Kevin Ikin - Principal Annabelle Waugh - Deputy Principal / (Auraki) Kaiako Danielle Price - (Auraki) Kaiako Hirere Moana - (Rumaki) Kaiako Te Mania Borell - (Rumaki) Kaiako SUPPORT STAFF Anya Atkins - Executive Officer Theresa Perawiti - Teacher Aide /Librarian Patricia Tapu - Teacher Aide /Sport Coordinator Tawhirirangi Thompson - Teacher Aide Joanna Smith - Healthy Lunches Manager Freek Begman - Caretaker Piri Peters - Cleaner Molly Hemana - Cleaner Tyler-Rose Marshall - Cleaner |
Mission Statement
Live Truly - Kia Tika te Noho Vision Centennial Park School will be a place where:
Nga Uara o te Kura
Wairua Hihiko Innovation / creativity / imagination /flair for innovation Panekiretanga Excellence in all we apply ourselves to Mana Tangata Pride in our identity/resilience when faced with challenges and adversity/ enduring respect and care for hapu and iwi / integrity of character and as an individual Maniapototanga Versed in the whakapapa, waiata, karakia, histories of Maniapoto |